If you are a candidate preparing to take the IGCSE English as a Second Language (0511) exam this year, here are the official updates on the exam content that have been released. Please be sure to take note of them.
Assessment overview
All candidates take three components. Candidates will be eligible for grades A* to G.
Assessment objectives
The assessment objectives (AOs) are:
AO1 Reading
Candidates will be assessed on their ability to:
R1 demonstrate understanding of specific factual information
R2 demonstrate understanding of the connections between the ideas, opinions and attitudes
R3 identify and select details for a specific purpose
R4 demonstrate understanding of implied meaning
AO2 Writing
Candidates will be assessed on their ability to:
W1 communicate information, ideas and opinions
W2 organise ideas into coherent text using a range of linking devices
W3 use a range of appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary
W4 use appropriate register and style for the given purpose and audience
AO3 Listening
Candidates will be assessed on their ability to:
L1 demonstrate understanding of specific information
L2 demonstrate understanding of speakers’ ideas, opinions and attitudes
L3 demonstrate understanding of the connections between ideas, opinions and attitudes
L4 demonstrate understanding of what is implied but not directly stated
AO4 Speaking
Candidates will be assessed on their ability to:
S1 communicate a range of ideas, facts and opinions
S2 demonstrate control of a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures
S3 develop responses and maintain communication
S4 demonstrate control of pronunciation and intonation
Weighting for assessment objectives
The weightings allocated to each of the assessment objectives (AOs) are summarised below.
Details of the assessment
Paper 1 – Reading and Writing
Written paper, 2 hours, 60 marks
This paper contains six exercises – four reading exercises and two writing exercises. Candidates must answer all questions in each exercise.
The reading exercises will include a range of text types (e.g., articles, blogs, reports) and comprise of multiplechoice and matching questions, as well as some questions requiring short answers in English.
The two writing exercises both require candidates to write 120–160 words of continuous prose. Candidates respond to a short stimulus (which may include a picture) and to short prompts printed in the question paper. The short stimulus includes information on the purpose, format and audience and these will be different for each exercise. The writing exercises require candidates to respond in different styles. The first writing exercise requires an informal style of writing, for example to a friend or relative. The second writing exercise requires a more formal writing style, for example writing for a teacher, or an organiser of an event, etc.
For each writing exercise, candidates will be awarded marks for content (task fulfilment and the development of ideas) and language (range, accuracy and organisation). Candidates write their answers on the question paper.
Dictionaries may not be used.
Paper 2 – Listening
Approximately 50 minutes (including 6 minutes’ transfer time), 40 marks
This paper consists of five exercises, and a total of 40 questions.
All questions are multiple choice, and candidates answer each one by selecting the correct option.
Each exercise tests comprehension of recorded texts (e.g., monologues, interviews or conversations).
Candidates hear each recorded text twice.
At the end of the test, candidates will be asked to transfer their answers onto a separate answer sheet and they have six minutes to do this.
Centres must check the Cambridge Handbook for the year candidates are taking the assessment.
The Cambridge Handbook tells you when and how to access the audio material for each examination series: www.cambridgeinternational.org/eoguide
Teachers/invigilators must consult the relevant sections of the Cambridge Handbook about administering the listening examination and for details about rooms, equipment, guidance on acoustics and checking the audio material in advance.
Paper 3 – Speaking
Speaking test, approximately 10–15 minutes, 40 marks
Internally assessed/externally moderated The test will be conducted in English.
The test must be recorded for all candidates.
Dictionaries may not be used.
Cambridge supplies a number of Speaking Assessment cards, with accompanying Teacher’s/Examiner’s Notes.
The teacher/examiner selects one Speaking Assessment card from the range provided for each candidate.
The Teacher’s/Examiner’s Notes contain instructions, assessment criteria and teacher/examiner questions for the Speaking Assessment cards.
The tests are conducted and marked by the teacher/examiner.
They are moderated by Cambridge International.
Check the timetable at www.cambridgeinternational.org/timetables for the test date window. Before the test date window, centres will receive the materials for the test.
The Additional Course SKTLCC will continue to provide additional courses to offer our students who plan to take the exam more opportunities for practical exercises, enabling them to be fully prepared to conquer the exam.
Our summer course: